Thursday, March 26

steel, wood and plants

I want my back yard to look like this:

(oscar planters, cb2)

Too bad I can't keep any plants alive, I have a chintzy chain link fence that I really have no intention of replacing anytime soon and I have hoodlum neighborhood kids (or adults) that steal the stuff out of my backyard - like my fire pit.

I still might try. Watch this space

Monday, March 23

travel bucket list

See for the 1st time:
Africa (Botswana, Nigeria, Tunis, Egypt, South Africa, Madagascar)
Food tour of Vietnam
Argentina (esp. BA & Mendoza)

See again with my husband:

And that's just off the top of my head...

Wednesday, March 11

Soundtrack of my life

How is it that The Police are so flipping awesome, but Sting sucks so bad? I really can't wrap my head around it. In fact, I think Sting is so bad solo, that if you tell me you like him--I think less of you.

The Police on the other hand were awesome. I heard this on the radio this morning and have subsequently launched myself into some sort of fan club situation.

Friday, March 6

another list

Blogging isn't the only thing I've been slacking off with.*

This is what my to-do list looks like:
  1. Call the Contractor about the kitchen
  2. Start new freelance article (due 3/16)
  3. Give the dog a bath - he smells like a foot
  4. Clean something, anything
  5. Call the guy to do our taxes
  6. Work on my new project (I'd say look for a post soon, but let's be realistic - look for a post in 6-9 months)
  7. Sit down with the hubs and make a real budget/figure out our new financial plan (it's only been almost 2 years since we agreed to do this...)
  8. Clean out the basement
  9. Take photos of bike, elliptical, furniture, and clothes to sell on craigslist or ebay
  10. Replace living room light fixture
  11. Call my out-of-state friends (I would be satisfied if I made 2 calls, but I have about 14 on the call-back list. At this rate, I'll have no friends.)
I would like to delegate some of this, but the man's list looks quite the same and I don't know who else would do any of this crap.

*not entirely true. miltonaday has been updated every day of 2009 (with a little maneuvering from vacation on my part)